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Information about our data. To access the data catalog clickhere.

TheSALURBALdata resource is a comprehensive health and exposure dataset that coversSALURBAL geographic units:

  • 152,773,086 data points

  • 560 variables categorized into 6 domains and 35 sub-domains

  • 371 Latin American cities (L1)

  • 1436 Latin American subcities (L2)

  • 246,942 Latin American neighorboods (L3)

Click here to access data catalog.Below you will find details about our data resource including: FAQs, variable categorization details, distribution of variables by domain/subdomain, distribution of data points by domain/subdomain.

Interactive table of SALURBAL domains and subdomains. Machine accessible table here.




Includes counts of the total number of people living in an area as well as percentages or people in certain age groups (for example, >=65 years of age, <5 years of age).


Includes the number of children born to women in the area as well as adolescent birth rates.


Includes indicators of the number of persons moving into a city from within the same country and the number of persons living in the city who were born in another country.


Indicators related to race and ethnicity.



Adult Biomedical Risk Factors

Includes chronic diseases and conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension among adults aged 18 years and older.

Childhood Biomedical Risk Factors

Include obesity among children less than 18 years of age.

Adult General and Mental Health

Includes indicators related to psychological well-being and how a person perceives their own health. This includes self-rated health and depressive symptoms.

Adult Behavioral Risk Factors

Health behaviors are actions people can take that affect their health. This includes behaviors that can improve health such as physical activity and a healthy diet, and behaviors that can negatively affect health such as smoking and drinking alcohol.



Life Expectancy

Life expectancy measures how long people can expect to live if mortality rates remain the same.

Mortality Rates

Mortality rates measure the number of people who die in an area over a year per total population. This includes all-cause mortality rates as well as cause-specific mortality rates (with causes defined based on Global Health Estimates (GHE) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes).

Mortality Counts

Mortality counts measure the number of people who die in an area without taking population into consideration. This includes all-cause mortality counts as well as cause-specific mortality counts (with causes defined based on Global Health Estimates (GHE) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes).

Infant Mortality

Infant mortality measures the number of infants under 1 year of age who die per total live births.

Childhood Mortality

Childhood mortality measures the number of children who die before they are 5 years old per total children born in the area.



Air Pollution

Includes particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).


Includes indicators that measure access to public transportation options, vehicle ownership, and traffic congestion.

Urban Landscape

Describes patterns of urban development such as continuity, clustering, and fragmentation.

Street Design

Includes measures that describe the layout of street networks, including intersection density and length of streets.

Natural Environment and Parks

Includes measures of green space, blue space, and parks.


Includes measures of temperature and extreme heat days.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases generated within an area. This includes carbon emissions.

Urban Form Metrics

Includes the total population, population density, population concentration, distance to city center and city foundation year




Includes measures of the educational attainment of the population .


Includes measures of the percent of persons living in poverty as defined by each country.

Housing and Infrastructure

Includes measures of the quality of housing, such as the material used for walls and floors, connection to sewage and water networks, and overcrowding within the home.


Inequality refers to the unequal distribution resources and opportunities in a geographic area. This includes income inequality (Gini index), educational inequality.


Includes measures of racial, educational and economic segregation.

Gender Equity

Gender equity refers to indicators that measure equity of resources and opportunities for women and men. This includes a gender inequality index (GII), education and employment ratios in women vs. men and measures of women in political power.


Includes indicators that measure the economic activity of an area such as gross domestic product and labor force participation.

Health Care Access

Includes indicators measuring a person’s access to medical services such as cancer screenings.


SALURBAL acknowledges the contributions of numerous institutions in generating, processing, and facilitating access to data. Seeherefor a list of agencies that have supported data collection, and learn more about data collection, processing, and analyses in the SALURBAL projecthere.

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